Sage plant (Salvia) comes in both annual and perennial forms. They are small plants that grow tubular shaped flowers that resemble tiny spikes.
While there are two types of this flower, both varieties grow best in lots of sun. They are easy to grow and begin their show in the beginning of summer. Some can grow all the way through to the fall.
Annual Salvia grows in shades of red, salmon, burgundy and white.
To grow the annual variety, you can first start seeds inside, around 6-8 weeks before springs last expected frost.
After all signs of frost have disappeared, you can transfer the plant outdoors.
Space the plants about a foot apart and cover with ample soil, mulch or both. Water the plants regularly to instill hearty growth.
If you see flowers starting to wilt and fade away, simply cut of the dead parts, and new flowers will grow.
Perennial Sage begins to grow in the middle of the summer months. They grow in colors of deep blue, violet, white, and scarlet.
When at their full potential, Perennial Salvia can grow to be up to 3 feet tall.
Annual varieties can also be 3 feet tall, but they also have a possibility to be smaller plants growing to reach only 8 inches high.
To grow perennial flowers, sow the seeds in warm moist soil. Space them 1 to 2 feet apart and water the plants as needed.
If the plants get to crowded you can cut and divide them. Then they will continue to grow and fill out your garden.
Once the plants have reached full growth, they will look beautiful in a garden, in pots, or as cut flowers in a wonderful arrangement.