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Annuals are plants that typically grow for one season. The plant grows, blooms, and then dies.

The difference between annuals and perennials is that perennials will regrow each year without having to be replanted.

The good thing about them is that they produce beautiful flowers that can last the whole season. This really makes your garden colorful and bright.

The bad thing about these plants is that, unlike perennials, you have to plant them fresh every year. When they die, they are gone.

When selecting your Annual flower garden, make sure you pick flowers that can survive in the weather conditions of your area.

Some examples to make your gardens bright would be Begonia Plants Chrysanthemum Cosmos Flowers Forget-Me-Nots, and Zinnia Flowers.

When these flowers bloom, they can add that pop of color to even the drabbest of gardens.

Types of Annual Flowers:

AgeratumFuchsia PlantPetunia Flowers
Bedding GeraniumsGlobe AmaranthPlectranthus
Begonia PlantsGrassesPoppy
BorageImpatiens FlowersPortulaca
Butter DaisyLarkspurSnapdragon Flowers
CalendulaLavateraSpider Flower
Castor BeanLicorice PlantStatice
Cosmos FlowersLove-Lies-BleedingSwan River Daisy
Dusty MillerMarigoldSweet Alyssum
Fan FlowerNasturtium FlowersTithonia
Flowering CabbagePansyVerbena
Forget-Me-NotPerillaWishbone Flower
Four-O'clockPeriwinkleZinnia Flowers