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Begonia plants are one of summer’s most delicate looking flowers. The soft colors of the petals make this plant look simply gorgeous. My favorite colors of this flower are the soft pinks, and of course the light peach ones. I always know summer is near when I start to see them blooming. While some begin to grow in the spring, they are definitely a summer flower. They are often used in gardens or in containers or as houseplants. I love them anyhow, anywhere!



If you are planning on having begonia plants out in your flower garden, they thrive in shady areas. If they are around too much sun, they will not live as long. Now this flower is an annual. So if you want to see this beautiful plant year after year, you will need to replant new ones each year.

There are two different kinds of this plant. There are wax begonias, and tuberous begonias.

The wax kind of the plant come in colors of pink, red, and white. They grow to be about 6 to 12 inches high! Wax Begonias grow all throughout the summer. They must get their name due to the leaves. They are a dark green color and have a glossy look to them. Some of the leaves also have a bronze look to them.

If you choose to grow them, you can either start by seeds or you can use already cut ones. Start growing the seeds inside during the winter. When spring comes, you can transfer the plant outside to your garden. Space them about 6 to 12 inches apart in a spot with some shade.

Begonia Plants

Begonia Plants

If your begonia plant is still living by the beginning of fall, dig up the plants, or cut them, and bring them indoors and they should last inside until the winter.

Tuberous begonias grow from the middle of summer until the beginnings of fall. They can grow from 8 to 18 inches tall. They are slightly bigger then wax begonias.

While the wax species can be in some sun, this kind cannot. Only plant them in areas with a lot of shade.

To grow the tuberous plants, you must plant bulbs. They do not grow from seeds. You can begin planting them in the winter. You must start them indoors though. Find a well-drained potting soil, and plant the bulbs in the soil, in a pot.

Be careful not to cover the tuber with too much soil. They only need to be barely covered. Water it enough just to keep the soil moist.

Once the weather begins to warm up, and the frost is gone you may then transfer the begonia plant outdoors. To keep your plant growing and healthy all season, fertilize it every so often. About once a month should be fine.

When the fall comes, you can dig up the begonia bulbs and store them inside, until you are ready to start the whole process over.