

Dianthus flowers come in many different species, and can be either perennials or annuals.

Also known as Garden Pinks, they bloom near the end of spring, or beginning of summer.

Dianthus Flower Dianthus Flower

They come in more colors then just pink. They also […]

2017-08-25T10:57:35-04:00By |Categories: Spring Flowers and Plants|


Delphiniums are very uniquely shaped flowers that grow in the summertime. They usually begin to grow in the middle of summer. They grow like huge spikes of tiny florets that shoot upwards towards the sky.

You may say they resemble a rocket ship! Coming in colors of blue, pink, and white, this […]

2017-08-25T11:10:50-04:00By |Categories: Summer Flowers and Plants|


Daylily (Hemerocallis) is a flower that grows during the summer months. They are easy to grow and can grow throughout the summer.

There are many different varieties that grow during different parts of the summer. If you choose your selection right, you could have a plethora of Daylilies growing in your garden […]

2017-08-25T11:10:32-04:00By |Categories: Summer Flowers and Plants|

Daisy Flower

The Daisy flower (Bellis Perennis) is the April birth month flower. If you have an April birthday you are very lucky. Not only do you have a beautiful birth month flower, but you also have a beautiful birthstone: the Diamond.

Daisies are flowers that are also considered to be weeds. Like other […]

2017-08-25T15:18:20-04:00By |Categories: Spring Flowers and Plants|

Dahlia Flowers

Dahlia flowers are perennial flowers that showcase in the summertime. They begin their growth in the summer, and can continue to grow into the fall months.

They typically grow in Central America and Mexico. They grow at their best in the warmer months and can stick around all the way through to […]

2017-08-25T11:10:15-04:00By |Categories: Summer Flowers and Plants|


The Daffodil (Narcissus) is yet another flower that blooms in the beginning of spring. They have a very distinct look with their yellow, trumpet shaped blossoms.

There are many different types of this flower. They all look different, and grow at different times throughout the spring. They also come in other colors. […]

2017-08-25T10:57:14-04:00By |Categories: Spring Flowers and Plants|


Cyclamen is a very popular flower to have during the winter months. It is grown as a houseplant in the winter.

They also grow in the fall through the spring outdoors. When growing them outdoors, they grow best in shady spots.

Cyclamen Plant Cyclamen […]

2017-08-25T12:29:10-04:00By |Categories: Winter Flowers and Plants|

Crocus in the Snow

Crocus in the Snow begin to pop their little heads out of the ground in early winter. Everyone loves when the Crocuses come out, because whether they are the early species, or the type that grow in spring, everyone knows spring is near!

This flower looks like any other crocus flower. It […]

2017-08-25T12:28:50-04:00By |Categories: Winter Flowers and Plants|


Crocus flowers bloom in the beginning of spring. They are usually the very first flower you see when spring begins. Catch them fast though, because they don’t hang around for long.

They are bulbs that need to be planted in the fall to grow at the right time. Plant the bulbs about […]

2017-08-25T10:56:50-04:00By |Categories: Spring Flowers and Plants|

Creeping Phlox

Creeping Phlox is an easy flower to grow in the spring. There are many different species of phlox. Each species is different, but they are all fairly easy to grow.

Most require no maintenance. These plants are perennials and will grow again every year.

Creeping Phlox […]

2017-08-25T10:56:08-04:00By |Categories: Spring Flowers and Plants|