Amaryllis Flower (Hippeastrum) grows around the winter holidays. This winter flower is mainly grown as a house plant which works great in an indoor garden, it can also be grown outdoors in areas with no frost.
Amaryllis is a very beautiful looking plant, the stems grow about 2 feet high, on top of the stems are lovely trumpet shaped flowers.
Each large stem supports about 3 to 6 clusters of flowers. The flowers come in shades of white, red or pink. They are very soft looking colors and that is part of what makes this such a beautiful plant.
These plants grow from Amaryllis bulbs. You can order them in the fall so that they will be grown by Christmas. You should begin to grow the Amaryllis bulbs by mid-October.
How to Plant an Amaryllis Bulb
Plant your Amaryllis bulbs in a container that is about 8 – 10 inches deep. Once your Amaryllis bulbs are planted, they take about 6 weeks to be fully grown.
Amaryllis care is important so cover the bulbs with soil until all you see is about the top one-third of the bulbs. Water them only a little bit until the shoots begin to show. Then water them more regularly.
When the flower begins to grow, place it in a window that gets ample sun. Spin the vase around so that it gets sun on all sides, and also so it grows straight.
You do not need to stake this plant, because the stem grows very thick.
What Do You Do With an Amaryllis After it Blooms
When Amaryllis begins to die in the winter, cut down the huge stem and keep the leaves in place. The leaves will help to keep the bulb nourished.
Feed the Amaryllis flower with an all-purpose fertilizer once every two weeks. Move the plant outdoors for the summer. Water it regularly and now you have a summer plant as well!
Amaryllis Lifespan – How Long Do Amaryllis Flowers Last
Amaryllis lifespan is about a month to six weeks. Amaryllis bulbs can live several years if taken care of properly.
How Often Does an Amaryllis Bloom
Once the summer has ended stop watering the plant as much. When the plant seems to die off, move the pot indoors to a cool dark place. Think a basement, or a crawl space.
In a few months shoots will reappear. Then it is time to move the plant back to the window.
Continue this sequence and your Amaryllis will continue to bloom, keeping you happy for many years to come.