Sweet Pea flowers (Lathyrus odoratus) are the April birth month flower. They are considered to be vines, and they have a very dainty look to them, and a great scent.
Even though they grow from a vine, these flowers can be cut and used in a vase, either with a flower arrangement, or on their own.
The delicate flowers on the vine look like seashells hanging from lovely green foliage. Sweet Pea flowers come in many colors such as pink, yellow, white, purple, red, or blue. Some can be composed of two colors.
Once they begin to grow, they can reach up to 10 feet tall. They grow from the spring into the summer. They grow the best in cooler weather. They will wilt away and die in areas of hot temperatures.
They can be annual or perennial. Perennial Sweet Pea is a little bit more long lasting then the annuals. They live longer, and can thrive in even hot weather conditions.
Make sure you know which variety you are planting, so that you pick the best spot for that particular type.
In order to grow this pretty looking vine, you have to soak the seeds through the night, and then plant them in cool moist soil. If you want to grow them before it is time to plant them outside, simply begin to grow them in peat pots.
When they are ready to be planted in the ground, dig a deep whole and plant the whole thing in the ground. Be sure to include the peat pots. It is best to plant the whole thing so that you do not bother the growing process.
If you are going to grow this vine along a trellis, plant the trellis before you plant the flowers. This is so that when the flower begins to grow, it can find the support it will be growing on.
One problem with this plant is that the animals love to eat it. You can either spray the plant with something that will deter critters away, or you can fence in your trellis with Sweet Pea growing from it.
If you are growing the perennial variety, they will reseed themselves each year.
Whichever type you choose, you will surely enjoy them.